Assessment of Economic Benefits

For over 36 years, EcoTec Consultants has provided to clients across Canada a service to estimate economic benefits. Over that period of time, we have done, or contributed to, over 200 studies and reports which were looking at economic benefits or cost benefit analysis. We have developed sophisticated models which enable us to estimate economic benefits at the following geographical levels:

✓ Municipalities

✓ Counties and Regional Districts

✓ Any or all ten provinces

✓ Canada

A unique charateristic of our models is their ability to estimate economic benefits simultaneously for a whole range of regions. For example, they are able to calculate the benefits generated by the construction and the operation of an oil refinery in Saint John, New Brunswick in each and every of the 15 counties in the province. It is therefore possible to identify and quantify the geographical breakdown of economic benefits for a whole province or for the whole country (for each of the provinces and the territories).

We have developed a thorough expertise in almost all industries and sectors of the economy:


✓ Construction of hydroelectric dams;

✓ Construction and operation of windmill farms;

✓ Refurbishing and operation of nuclear power stations;


✓ Forest industry;

✓ Commercial fisheries (lobster, shrimp, etc.);

✓ Construction and operation of mines;

✓ Construction and operation of offshore oil and gas production platforms;

✓ Construction and operation of natural gas pipelines.


✓ First and second transformation of wood products;

✓ Transformation of fish and shellfish;

✓ Construction and operation of metal products manufacturing plants;

✓ Operation of rubber products plants;

✓ Manufacturing of video lottery terminals.


✓ Cleaning of soil and lakes contaminated with chemical products;

✓ Cleaning of ocean front harbors.


✓ Construction of four-lane toll highways;

✓ Expansion and operation of container terminals;

✓ Operation of railway lines.

Culture, sports and recreational activities

✓ Recreational activities on public lands;

✓ Filmmaking industry in Quebec;

✓ Various cultural events;

✓ Complete network of BC Parks.

Regional Development

EcoTec Consultants has a vast experience of the issues pertaining to regional economic development. This experience, acquired over a period of time spanning over 18 years, covers most aspects of regional development:

✓ Studies to identify, quantify and propose solutions to fundamental issues facing rural areas;

✓ Development of software to assist public decision makers;

✓ Development and implementation of economic development programs;

✓ Develop and prepare policy options for public sector decision makers to solve regional socioeconomic issues;

✓ Organization of roundtables on important regional economic issues.

Here are a few samples of our work in the area of regional economic development:

✓ Development and implementation of software using indicators aimed at regional development practitioners to enable them to make diagnostic about socioeconomic circumstances, analyze and identify the underlying causes and track changes in municipalities and regions across Atlantic Canada and Quebec.

✓ Research program with the Research Center in Planning and Development at University Laval (Quebec City) to develop indicator suites for counties and Census Divisions across Canada, wit an emphasis on Atlantic Canada. This initiative involved a study about the identification of the main determinants of regional development. All research activities were carried out in close collaboration with the Canada Research Chair to Assist Decision Making in Regional Development.

✓ Develop leading indicators for the Atlantic Canada economy, a forecasting model for the unemployment rate and an economic database.

✓ Produce reports about the socioeconomic impact of the cod moratorium, closure of military installations and rationalization of railways in Atlantic Canada.

✓ Prepare reports on various issues of interest to the Government of Quebec, including:

‣ Estimation of economic impacts, by county, of the construction and operation of windmill farms in eastern Quebec;

‣ Develop methods to identify service centers in each region of Quebec;

‣ Concepts and experiences in regional development; etc.

✓ Worked to transfer the Community Futures Program from Human Resources Canada to regional economic development agencies. This mandate included the negotiation of the transfer protocols and development of a strategic policy to incorporate the new program within existing mandates and activities of the regional agenices. An evaluation of the program effectiveness as well as the development of a long-term evaluation framework were also part of the mandate.

✓ Assist in the development of the federal government policy regarding the closure of military installations in Atlantic Canada. Provide advice to the officials responsible for a \$40 million fund to facilitate the economic adjustment of communities affected by the closures. Prepare and present recommendations regarding the distribution of funds, by province and by community.

✓ Plan, organize and conduct roundtables on issues such as the economic development of rural areas and boosting the value-added of forestry products. O

✓ Make presentations about regional economic development in rural areas of canada at the OECE in Paris.

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